

calculation of the geometrical efficiency can be done via a call to the function geoEff.

geoEff(detector::Detector, aPnt::Point, SrcRadius::Real = 0.0, SrcLength::Real = 0.0)::Float64

return the geometrical efficiency for a source (point, disk or cylinder) with the detector detector.


  • detector can be any of the leaf detectors types (CylDetector, BoreDetector, WellDetector).
  • aPNT: a point represent the anchoring point of the source.
  • SrcRadius: Radius of the source.
  • srcHeight: the height of an upright cylinder source.


  • an InValidGeometry if the point location is invalide.
  • an NotImplementedError if source-to-detector geometry not supported yet.

the point height of aPnt is measured differently for different detectors types. for the details, please refer to each detector entry.

  • if SrcLength equal to zero; the method return Geometrical Efficiency of a disc source of Radius = SrcRadius and center at the point aPNT.
  • if both SrcRadius and SrcLength equal to zero; the method returns the Geometrical Efficiency of a point source at the anchoring point.


  • to obtain the efficiency of a cylindrical detector of crystal radius 2.0 cm for axial source cylinder of radius 1.0 cm and height 2.5 cm on the detector surface.
julia> using GeoEfficiency

julia> geoEff(CylDetector(2.0), Point(0.0), 1.0, 2.5)
  • to obtain the efficiency for a bore-hole detector of crystal radius of 2.0 and height of 3.0 with hole radius of 1.5 cm for axial source cylinder of radius 1.0 cm and height 2.5 cm starting from detector center.
julia> using GeoEfficiency

julia> newDet = BoreDetector(2.0, 3.0, 1.5);

julia> geoEff(newDet, Point(0.0), 1.0, 2.5)
  • to obtain the efficiency for a well-type detector of crystal radius of 2.0 cm and height 3.0 cm with hole radius of 1.5 cm and depth of 1.0 cm for axial source cylinder of radius 1.0 cm and height 2.5 cm at the hole surface.
julia> using GeoEfficiency

julia> newDet = WellDetector(2.0, 3.0, 1.5, 1.0);

julia> geoEff(newDet, Point(0.0), 1.0, 2.5)

the function has another method geoEff() that prompt the user to input a source and a detector via the console.