
GeoEfficiency: Accurate Geometrical Efficiency Calculator

An officially registered Julia program that provides a set of tools to calculate the geometrical efficiency in a fast and accurate way. The Package models a radiation detector irradiated by a radioactive source. The Package relay directly on numerical evaluation of closed form analytical formula describing the geometrical efficiency.

AuthorMohamed E. Krar (DrKrar@gmail.com)
Current versionv"0.9.4-dev"
First CreatedFri Aug 14 20:12:01 2015
Portable Document Format

This documentation is also available in PDF format.

Current/Planed Features

The following list show the state of current feature and planed feature. the checked items represent already present feature.



Getting the GeoEfficiency package to work involves two steps:

1. Installing Julia Language

Just head over to the Julia language download page and choose the suitable binary for your platform to download and install. At the end of this step you should be able to run julia from your system.


Head to JuliaBox.com to run julia in your browser without any local installation. no registration is required just a Google account.

2. Installing Package

GeoEfficiency is registered officially and so the latest stable release can be installed through the Julia package management system just by typing the following into the julia REPL prompt.

julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("GeoEfficiency") 

Quick Usage

After installing the package, you can load it to your current workspace by typing the following:

julia> using GeoEfficiency

Now the package is available to use, try typing:

julia> calc()

see also: geoEff(), calcN(), batch()

Unit Test

For scientific calculation accuracy in calculation and being error free is a highly demanded objective. Thus, the package is extensively tested method-wise in each supported operating system. Operating system fully supported include Windows, Linus, Apple OSX.

After installing the package can be tested in your own system by typing the following into the REPL prompt.

julia> using Test, Pkg
julia> Pkg.test("GeoEfficiency") 

Package Overview

The following constructor can be used to construct a specific type of detector

While the function Detector can be used to construct any of the above types. You may try also getDetectors.

Point constructor is used to construct an anchoring point of a source. relative to source anchoring point the source position is specified. For a point source, the anchoring point is the source itself. The source() method take input from the 'console' and return a tuple describing the source.

The efficiency calculation can be done by one of the functions:

For more on the function and its methods prefix the name of the function by ?.


Input from the 'console' can be numerical expression not just a number. 5/2 ; 5//2 ; pi ; π/2 ; exp(2) ; 1E-2 ; 5.2/3 ; sin(1) ; sin(1)^2 are all valid expressions.

Batch Calculation

The package can be used to perform batch calculations by calling one of the methods of the function batch. The output results of batch calculations is found by default in GeoEfficiency\results folder inside the user home directory.

For example c:\users\yourusername\GeoEfficiency\results\.

The function batch() can be called with or without arrangement(s). The without argument version relay on previously prepared Comma Saved Values [CSV] files, that can be easily edit by Microsoft Excel, located by default in the GeoEfficiency folder.

Those Comma Saved Values [CSV] files are:-


For Comma Saved Values [CSV] files each line represent an entry, the first line is always treated as the header.


The program expect each line to contain one number for all CSV files except for Detectors.csv each line should contain at least one number or at most four separated numbers